by Brenna Timm
Going Green, reducing waste, and finding eco-friendly solutions is influencing businesses everywhere. However, it can be very hard to find the best solutions that don’t detract from your productivity or make a dent in the budget. There are simple solutions that can help your business or workspace become a little friendlier to the environment. Let’s explore the possibilities.
Work-style Changes
There are many different ways to change a company’s carbon-foot print by adjusting the way things are run. Going paperless is commonly the most popular and simple to do. We are already in the digital age where most business is done on computers and online. Making the switch to go paperless in most or all aspects of your business can help. This will show customers that you not only care about the environment, but that you care about their organizational needs as well. Another easy way to reduce is to use less heating. Having the thermostat run at 75 degrees at all times is taxing on your furnace as well as your pocketbook. Humans can stay relatively comfortable from 65 to 70 degrees. Even if you need to bring a light jacket, changing the thermostat can bring great savings in your budget and waste. There are also thermostats that can be set to a schedule, so if there is no one normally in the office overnight or on the weekends, the setting can be much lower than normal. Consider encouraging your employees and co-workers to find new ways to get to work. Car-pooling, public transport, or cycling are all wonderful options that can provide opportunity. If it is within your power, you could make these things goals or events within the business to gain more interest. For some more ideas, check this out.